Standard Shipping: $7.99( FREE SHIPPING over $60) is estimated 3-7 business days excluding weekends.
Packages shipped using the standard shipping method will be delivered by USPS with your daily mail delivery or DHL to the shipping address you provided at check-out.
Please find our shipping times below:
Order cut-off time for same-day shipping is 2 pm EST Monday through Friday. Orders submitted before the cut-off time will be shipped that day at 5 pm.
Any orders placed after the cut-off time will be shipped the next business day at 5 pm. Please note that depending on the volume of orders, some orders placed close to the cut-off time may be shipped the next day.
Orders do not ship out on weekends.
If you order before 2pm EST Mon-Fri your order should ship the same day.
The day your order is shipped is the shipping day and is not a day of transit.
If you order after 2pm Mon-Fri Eastern Standard Time, your order will ship the next business day.