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Natalie’s Toy Box Kawaii Kiss Clit Flicker & Air Stimulator – Pink


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Love at First Sight: Kawaii Kiss Clit Flicker & Air Stimulator – Pink

Prepare to be utterly enchanted by Kawaii Kiss, the most adorable – and remarkably titillating – addition to your toy box! Its big, sweet eyes will captivate your heart, while its multifunctional capabilities will win over your most erogenous zones. Once you’ve tasted the kisses of Kawaii, you’ll keep coming – and “cumming” – back for more!

Meet Kawaii Kiss: The Sweetheart of Stimulation

Kawaii Kiss charms with its eye-catching aesthetic and overwhelming functionality. The 2-in-1 flicker & air pulse toy boasts a range of enticing options to satisfy all your playful desires. Ready to dive deeper into the magical world of Kawaii?

Sensual Adventures with Kawaii’s Dynamic Duo: The Flicker and Air Pulse

We promise Kawaii Kiss is more than just a pretty face! With dual independently controlled motors, it offers a smorgasbord of titillating features:

  • The Flicker: Located at the bottom, the soft and flexible flicker is the master of external stimulation. Be it clitoral, nipple, or any other sensitive area, this magic flicker delivers a tactile delight that feels just like oral or finger play.
  • The Air Pulse: For a kiss you’ll never forget, let the mouth of Kawaii gently caress your sweet spots with its pressure wave technology. Get ready for a gust of pleasure that will leave you breathless!

Features That Make Kawaii Kiss Your New Best Friend

  • Custom storage box for discrete safekeeping between playtime
  • Non-phallic design that adds a touch of innocence to your erotic adventures
  • Perfect for partner play or solo fun
  • 10 air pulse functions and 10 flicker functions for a cornucopia of pleasure choices
  • Made of body-safe ABS silicone
  • Waterproof for a splash of excitement in the bath or shower
  • Rechargeable with a self-healing USB charger
  • 2-hour charging time for 1-hour of heavenly play
  • Compatible with water-based lubricant for a smooth ride

In short, Kawaii Kiss is the perfect blend of cute and carnal, ready to delight you with the sweetest, most unforgettable kisses. Ready for a love affair with pleasure? Then pucker up, because Kawaii Kiss can’t wait to meet you!



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Like A Kitten


PK – Pink

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