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How to Plan a Valentine’s Day (or Any Date) Night They’ll Never Forget

Planning a sexy and satisfying date night — for Valentine’s Day or any other special occasion — doesn’t have to be stressful. Remember, this is supposed to be fun for both of you! Too often, we get caught up in our daily routine, all of our responsibilities, and work or school stress, and forget to relax and have fun.

If you want to give your partner a special night, it’s not about the money you spend or where you go. What you do before the big date will turn a typical and forgettable dinner date into a moment neither of you ever forget. Why? Because you’re going to make it all about your partner and their pleasure.

Clear the Way

Clear the WayIn long, established relationships, the newness wears off, and routine settles in. Which means that at least one of you has a running to-do list, or you spend your free time in your pajamas binge-watching shows, exhausted from all of your responsibilities. There’s nothing wrong with either of those things, but when it’s time for a Valentine’s Day date — or any date night — make sure there’s nothing standing in your way.

A day or two before, or the day of, clear the way for you and your partner to focus on your time together.

  • Get a babysitter, call a friend, or talk your parents or siblings into watching the kids.
  • Take care of setting appointments, cleaning something, or paying the bills — whatever you might usually do in the evening after work.
  • Run errands during the day or the day before — your errands and, if possible, your partner’s
  • Re-schedule or cancel as many commitments as you can — the party you didn’t want to go to, the dentist appointment, or whatever random thing on your schedule.

Deal with whatever could make you or your partner tired, take up extra time, or be the reason you decide to cancel your date. Without any other commitments in the way, you’re clear for a great night in or out.

Focus on the Small Stuff

Focus on the Small StuffExpensive gifts and luxurious restaurants are nice, but they’re not always possible or even necessary. The things most of us hold closest to our hearts are the small things. They don’t usually cost a lot of money, only time and thought, and they have a huge impact on your relationship.

  • Buy your partner’s favorite coffee, candy, or food as a surprise treat.
  • Queue up all the movies they love that you normally refuse to watch and make some popcorn.
  • Skip the roses and buy your partner’s favorite flower instead.
  • Take on some of their load for the day — run their errands, put gas in their car, do their part of the household stuff, whatever small thing you can do for them.

When you pay attention to the smallest details of your partner’s life, from what they love to the things they have to do, you’re telling them one thing: I see you, and I care about you.

Give Them All Your Attention

Want to ruin your date night? Ignore your partner for even a few minutes. Tonight is the night to give them all of your attention. Put down your phone. Turn off your notifications. Short of the babysitter calling to tell you the house is on fire, ignore everything except the person in front of you. And yes, it’s important whether you go out or stay in.

Who won the big game, silly gossip on social media, and depressing news will be there when the night is over. Your partner deserves and needs your attention. Putting your focus on them instead of outside distractions makes it absolutely clear that you want to be there with them. It’s not just a sign of respect for your partner, but also an easy way to show how much you care about them.

Focus on Pleasure

Focus on PleasureWhile you shouldn’t do nice things for your partner just so they’ll get naked with you, it definitely helps. This is date night after all, so pleasure is part of it. You’ve got to have your partner’s consent and agreement on this one, but here’s where the evening gets really fun.

  • Pull out their favorite or a new sex toy and get naked
  • Indulge in one of their fantasies and try something kinky
  • Try some role play and explore new desires
  • Seduce them with soft touches, hot glances, and sexy words
  • Focus on their orgasms and pleasure before your own

It’s never good to assume that you’re going to get laid, but it’s always fun to seduce your partner into wanting to have sex.


For most busy couples — at any stage of life — trying to plan a date means getting through hectic days, to-do lists, and a lot of outside obligations first. The more you can do to eliminate some of the worry and focus on your partner, the more likely you are to give them a date they’ll never forget. That it might end in hot, sweaty sex and plenty of orgasms makes it even better.

What are your favorite date night plans? Comment below!


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