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Hygge but For Sex

Have you heard of hygge (pronounced “hyoo-guh” in English)? It is a Danish and Norwegian term for a seasonal winter mood of coziness and comfort. In northern climes, like Scandinavia, the winters are long and dark, but they are also home to some of the healthiest and happiest people in the world!

Hygge is all about making an effort to surround yourself with feelings of wellness and contentment, both alone and with others, as a way of embracing the need to be indoors a lot when it’s bitterly cold. Since we are all still home more than ever, regardless of the climate, you can embrace hygge too! While we are at it, why not make it sexy?! And yes, your sex toys are invited to the fun.

How to Sexy-Hygge

Hygge is more than just extra throw blankets and eating more cookies than usual. It’s about balance and wellness. Indulgence is a part of it but it’s also about creating space, both physical and mental, in which you can slow down and find comfort. Hygge requires mindful effort to chill out and allow yourself to take in all sorts of pleasurable aspects of life, and that includes sex and intimacy!

Sexy Mind, Sexy Life

It’s not news that thinking sexy thoughts will make you feel sexier. But sometimes sexy thoughts can be the hardest part, what with regular life, pandemic life, the holiday season approaching, the list goes on and on! If you want to feel sexy, you have to think sexy and that means making time for the fun stuff. Read some erotica, sext with a partner, playmate, or stranger, or wear a little something sexy under your winter woolens to get into a sexy mindset.

Body Beautiful

Winter can be such a tricky time for sexy feelings and needs because it’s so common to just cover up and let go of the pressures that other seasons foist upon us to be sexy. (Summer, I’m looking at you!). Arguably, the pursuit of a magazine-perfect “bathing suit body” in spring and summer is a waste of time (because all bodies are bathing suit bodies!) as well as all the other body nonsense that the media feeds us.

If you’re leaning into hygge, embrace a bit of body positivity by getting some light exercise and getting your heart rate up. Orgasms and sex are great ways to feel the benefits of endorphins. In between sessions, try some online yoga, invest in a multi-use massager, slather your skin in your favorite lotions, and get yourself some luxurious lube.

Feed Your Sexy Soul

Hygge, as a philosophy, asks us to slow down and connect with our more essential selves. If you’re making hygge sexy, that may seem like an overwhelming task but it needn’t be! Focus on what makes you feel the sexiest and the ways in which you need fulfillment through sex and intimacy.

It’s a great time to start a fantasy journal to chronicle your sexy thoughts. Expand your masturbation repertoire. Meditate. Read up on holistic sex practices like tantra or Taoist sacred sex. Meditation, therapy, self-help books, and blogs are all things that can help you on your inner-sexy Hygge journey.

Sexy Hygge in Your Home

Give your home, or even just your bedroom, a mini-sexy-makeover by adding candles, warm and comforting smells like vanilla or spice, soft textiles, and a few items that make you feel sensual and cozy. Set the stage so that getting into a comfy, sensuous mood is easy. This will help you feel inspired to give yourself some extra time and attention.

Hygge Alone or Together

Lots of folks are enduring this winter with less sex, touch, intimacy, and social interaction than ever before. Whether you feel lonely, horny, or ambivalent about sex and masturbation, some alone time may do you some good. If there was ever a time to spring for that sex toy you’ve been eyeing, this is it. Make time to relax and stay in tune with your body. Take a longer shower or draw yourself a bath, touch, and tease yourself, indulge in your senses, and spend quality time with your libido.

You may have the benefit of having a lover at-hand during these dark times. Make the most of the longer nights and the comfort of hygge by making time for extra cuddles and intimacy where you can. There are so many ways to slow down and connect. Try a sensual massage. Share a beautiful meal together. Watch a favorite film. Tackling a challenging task together and then celebrate your success. Any of these things will help you tap into some much-needed comfort and calm.


However you do it, Hygge is so much more than “Danish for self-care.” It’s a lifestyle that supports the human need for connection and a sustainable pace of life. Hygge can help provide balance and combat stress. When you add a sensual and sexual element, it can do wonders for a tired sex-drive or a lackluster routine. You deserve to stay tuned-in to your sexy self all year long, and hygge can help. Go forth and hygge!

Is the concept of hygge new to you or something you’ve been practicing for a while? Do you think you’ll try it for your sex life? Let us know what you think about sexing up hygge in the comments below!


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