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Pass on (Traditional) Porn: Alternatives to Erotic Video

When we think of porn, we usually imagine an eerily attractive couple getting it on in front of the camera, but that’s not all there is.

Porn evokes the mental image of a video, usually with a traditionally attractive, heterosexual couple getting it on for a video camera. Mainstream porn is often overproduced, dramatized, and non-representative of the full range of human diversity, however, alternatives to erotic video exist.


Likely the most familiar alternative to traditional video-porn is the written word. Whether true or fantasy, people have written raunchy renditions of fan favorite characters to personal escapades for years.


While everyone and their grandma read Fifty Shades of Grey in 2011, that book was neither the first nor the last erotic fiction on the market. Beyond traditionally printed books and e-books, with an inexhaustible catalog of erotica, online options thrive.


Literotica is the original big name in free, erotic fiction. Users submit their stories, so readers get a huge variety of topics, kinks, and styles from tasteful tales to raunchy poems. Some formats are illustrated or narrated audibly.


For a more focused content-base, BDSM Cafe sticks to its obvious niche, though a broad niche it is. The content sits alongside other related articles and advertisements.

If you love erotic fiction, the best way to source consistent, enjoyable content is to focus on the creators themselves. Wherever they share content whether a paid platform or a free one, find authors you enjoy. Follow and support those who match your niche.


Though similar, non-fiction erotica offers a different subtext. Sexual fiction is fantasy, but erotic non-fiction is like gossip or dirty talk, shared explicitly. There’s an added layer of realism, but also higher stakes. Reading someone else’s exploits can strike an entirely different cord than fictional erotica.

Reddit’s Gone Wild Subreddit

Told in varying styles and levels of depth, the GoneWild – Stories subreddit dedicates itself to people’s true, sexual stories. Ranging from one-night stands with strangers to new experimentation with wives and partners, the stories are often told in a casual voice with plain language. Reading someone else’s experience can be incredibly impactful, even without 20 metaphors for penis.


Similar to Reddit, but slightly more interactive, GetDare started as a simple truth or dare forum that evolved into an incredibly sexual, adult space largely populated with power dynamics between consenting requesters and devious dare-givers. Depending on the dedication of the dare-recipient, some include detailed reports back about how the sexual dares proceeded. The ability to interact in the sexual scene digitally adds another level to the platform.

Once again though, non-fiction erotica is very personal and specific. Seek out specific blogs and creators who share their sexual escapades and follow along for what’s next.


Sometimes, video porn is restrictive. Only certain bodies are shown, limiting relatability and to the scene captured on camera. However, audio-only erotica offers a middle ground of suggestions and imagination interplaying together.

Audio porn can be particularly nice for its hands-free style. Pop in headphones and let your head fill with stimulation while both hands are free to touch or handle sex toys. If you’re interested, try one of these.


Dipsea is a paid, subscription app that costs $8.99/month or $47.99/year. They feature a range of short (up to 20 minute) audio stories for a variety of scenes and fantasies. They focus on inclusive storylines with three new stories weekly. Take advantage of the free trial to take a look. Try “Listen to Me” if you’re into a little dominance in your ears.


With largely the same intent as Dipsea, Quinn is a user-submitted platform for erotic audio. Featuring both story-based audio and Overhead audio which features noises rather than narration. Quinn is entirely free and offers the option to submit your own audio, should you find yourself feeling like a sexy podcaster.

Orgasm Sound Library

As part of a larger study on prejudices, taboos, and expectations around sex, the Orgasm Sound Library has collected hundreds of sound bites of real, female orgasms. As a porn source, the library of sounds is entirely noise-based (with some exclamations here and there), there’s no storytelling to focus on, just real moans, mms, and “oh my goodness-”es.


At last, if words run off the page and voices ring in your head, there’s always the choice to skip outside influence entirely. Imagination can be an incredibly interesting source of erotic content, but you often have to encourage yourself a bit. To coax out your dirtiest thoughts, set the mood.

Try dimming the lights, but not quite all the way and add background music. Sometimes, music in another language works best as it allows you to just the sounds and emotions. Then, get comfortable. Dedicate more time than usual to let your mind to wander and find the thread of a story. Finally, tell that story to yourself or a partner.


However you find yourself exploring next, remember there’s many alternatives to traditional porn. Explore new avenues for excitement and perhaps find a new favorite.

Which do you prefer: traditional porn or an alternate form like some of what we’ve mentioned here? Let us know in the comments!


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